Friday, November 9, 2012

A Time to be Thankful ~ Day 9 My Mom

My Mom
Since my mom and I live so far apart, we only get to see each other once or twice a year.  We only talk a few times out of the month.  When we do talk, our conversations can last for hours! I am grateful and appreciate every moment and conversation that we have.

After my dad passed away, I grew closer to my mom.  Being close to her during those first few months was a relief.  We both were lost without him.  Losing a parent can bring a lot of fear and anxiety.  Spending time together seems a lot more important than it once did.  I have learned to go of the little things and just relish in every moment I can. 

I know life without my Dad isn't easy for my mom.  She is surrounded by many memories of him from the home he built, his belongings, and his family who have been so supportive and wonderful to her all these years.

Her life hasn't been the easiest.  She has severe scoliosis which affects her hips, back, and emotions.  I have seen her struggle through pain all my life. My mom isn't one to share her feelings much.  She doesn't sugar coat things and gets right to the point.  I can expect her honesty on anything and she always makes me laugh.

Living poor wasn't easy.  Being secluded in a holler, there was little we could do to escape from the hardship. My fondest memories was playing cards and boards games with my parents.  She helped me endure some tough times.

We may have had it hard, but we always had food to eat, a roof over our head, clothes on our back, and the bills somehow got paid.  I may not have had all the fancy things everyone else had but my mom did the best she could.  My mom's not the loving hugging type but I know she has and will always love and care for me. That's what matters the most.  Thanks MOM!  I Love you Lots! Thank your MOM today for doing what she could for you.

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