Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Time to be Thankful ~ Day 3 My Uncle Andy

Family - Uncle Andy

Since I don't have siblings, I tend to relish in the moments that I get to spend with the family that I do have.  My mom, aunts, uncles, and lots of cousins make up my realm of family.  The majority reside in KY.  However, I am fortunate to have family here in Houston - my Aunt Donna, Uncle Wayne, and Uncle Andy.
Growing up with my Aunt Liz, Aunt Donna, and Uncle Wayne was like having siblings.  There is not a big difference in our ages.  They have always been there for me at the drop of a hat.  My Aunt Donna is one of the reasons I was able to come to Houston.

My Uncle Andy, who is closer in age to my mom, lived far away from KY when I was growing up. I rarely got to see him.  However, my mom shared so many stories about their childhood that I dreamed of hanging out with him.  When he did come to visit, I thought he was the coolest. His hair was long and he wore leather jackets with leather boots.  I knew the heaviness of those leather boots all to well.  He stomped on my hand once when I was trying to rescue a caterpillar from his terror. Naturally the caterpillar was squashed and my hand throbbed for days.

Uncle Wayne & Uncle Andy goofin!
It wasn't until I was living in Houston that Andy and I got to bond. We both moved to Houston around the same time. After hanging out with him, I was surprised to find that we had many alike.  Like me, it isn't easy to trust people and we are loyal to the friends we do have. We both like about the same type of music, movies, and love to be a recluse at times. Many of his similarities remind me of my Grandma Jean as well as my mom.  

These last few years haven't been the easiest.  Yet Uncle Andy takes everything in stride.  He keeps a positive outlook.  He can always make me laugh and be straight to the point.  Like my mom, he never sugar coats anything.

As I mature, I realize that nothing can replace memories we make with family.  We can hang on to baggage or we can choose to let it go and make some memories.  Nothing can change the past but we can strive for a better future. I love my Uncle Andy!

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