Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Christmas Gift to You

As I write this entry, I'm sitting alone in the dark trying to get refocused on the important things this Christmas.  It has been 3 1/2 weeks since my surgery. I am not fully recovered and unable to walk or sit up much.  It seems to be a very slow recovery process.

This Christmas I am learning that if you have family, friends, mental stability, health, and trust in God then you have all that you will ever need. With a little courage, you can conquer the world with these things.

Since my surgery I have been stuck watching TV for most of the time.  I have been bombarded with commercial after commercial. I am one of those rare few who doesn't own a DVR. :-) More and more the ads seem to avoid the word "Christmas".  So far Krogers and Home Depot seem to be the only ones that come to mind that even mention the word "Christmas".  Every year the world tells us that we need the latest and greatest gadget.  We are fed the idea that we need to get our children tons of presents.  We try to compete with all the years before.  Many have more than they could ever need or appreciate.  Today I decided to shut off the TV and write my message to you.

Most of us may have finished our Christmas shopping by now.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to shop this year.  If I could I would give the greatest gifts that are not found in Wal-Mart or any other store. All I can do is pray for lives to be restored.

This Christmas I have a friend whose 11 year old daughter, who suffered brain trauma, who would like walk out of the hospital, and be fully recovered from being ran over by a car back in November.  I have a couple of family members who would like to return their Stage 4 Cancer diagnosis. To bad Wal-Mart doesn't take back items like that.  I have another friend who would like to be celebrating her baby's 1st Christmas instead of remembering burying him a few months ago.  A few other of my friends would like to find their family restored and no longer separated or going through divorce.  One of my dearest cousins would love to be celebrating one more Christmas with her Uncle Earl, who suddenly passed away at the end of November.  He also was a huge help to my mom.  What wonderful gifts these would be to find under the tree!!!

I admire each of these people's strength and courage to endure what they have suddenly been thrown into.  I believe that is their Christmas gift to me. When I get down and discouraged, I remember these people and the other tragedies in our nation. No matter the circumstance, we are not alone in our suffering.

Even though I would like to unwrap the gift of having my life back to normal, I have to trust the recovery process. I know one day I will look back and know this was the best gift God has given me - a time to reflect on Him and having my faith in Him restored.

No matter what is under your tree this year, remember the reason why we have Christmas at all.  Enjoy every moment of your health and your family.  Blessings to you....have a Blessed Christmas.