Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is It Really Worth It?

Is it worth the trouble?
A few years ago, our department received a new Lexmark copier complete with all the neat amenities like hole punching, duplexing, stapling, scanning, and faxing plus the standard features that only a copier guru would mess with like layouts, page numbers, watermarks, blah, blah, blah.  Of course, we were all pleased when it first arrived.  The company even made "false" promises that they would keep the copier in check. They even promised that the copier would notify them on the network when it was out of paper or having problems.  What a dream!

Well, for the past year, not many kind words have been said about our new / old friend, Mr. Copier.  He even got kicked a few times.  He has slacked in doing his job and many of us wonder about his annual reviews. How can he stayed employed if he refuses to do his work most of the time plus eat up our copies and our time? And those nice perks about contacting the "copier people"? Unfortunately, most of "those" people were demoted or transferred when the company had layoffs.

For the past month, Mr. Copier's main doctor, Dr. Lexmark,  has been out to see him on a weekly if not daily basis.  He is such a regular that we have offered him a cubicle and many of our snacks.  Naturally everyone says the same thing, "Why can't we just get a new one? What's the point?" Dr. Lexmark has made similar suggestions but hasn't had much luck convincing the board.

Which makes me wonder? Are the things we strive for really worth it? Some things that we dwell on, pursue, or spend our time it worth it? Are some things really worth fighting for?

In the past, I spent more time and money on pleasing someone else instead of taking care of my wants and needs.  Was it worth it? At the time, partly so because I use to enjoy pleasing him until the time came when I felt betrayed and used up.

It  is important to spend quality time with those you love and even treat them from time to time.  Make lasting memories that you can later reflect on.  Of course there has to be a balance. Take  care of your needs but also being there for others when they need you...find that peace in between.

When I think about fighting for what's right, sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.  What does it matter? Who would listen to me anyway? This seems to be a way a life for most folks. Then I get angry when I think about the suffering and the heartbreak I see in those I care about. It changes my mind.  It's worth a try at least if it will be for the best benefit for someone.  I want to see change quickly but sometimes it takes time.  It takes more and more fighting and standing up for what is right.  It may even mean sounding like a broken record to those folks you are fighting with.  Yet think about the future, the long haul....can it make a difference?

I wonder if God ever thinks we are worth it.  Are we worth His rescuing and forgiving time after time? Apparently so. If we are worth it to Him, then others need to be worth it to us also.

Take Time to Dwell on the Important Things that Are Worth It.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

In the Dark with KY Power

Where's the Power?
I recently visited my Mom in Kentucky for the Christmas holidays. As soon as I arrived on December 19th, I heard about the snow storm and the power going out in Eastern KY.  I was dumbfounded when I saw the rumored "7 inches" of snow was nothing but a small throw of snow on the ground by the time I arrived.  This was not what I expected when I hear of a "snow storm". Yet surprisingly the electric was off and stayed off for a week and even more for some others in Jackson, KY.

Needless to say I and the others around me were not happy, especially when we didn't see anyone working on the power lines anywhere.  Furthermore, on a trip to Jackson one day, we saw a couple of electric men sitting in their warm cozy truck drinking coffee and reading the paper.  My anger truly got the best of me that day as I approached them and gave them a piece of my mind.  We had electric by that evening.  Many thanks to a wonderful gentleman whom we had met the day before who was the only electric man around that seemed the most concerned. Of course the lady smiles and pleas from us all, me, my cousin Christianne, and Mommy, may have helped.

After all this ordeal and seeing the struggles with crummy uncaring businesses that my family has to dea withl on a day to day basis, made me very angry.  I decided to write to the KY Power Company, the KY Governor Breshear, the Secretary of State, the Eastern KY District Representative Hal Rogers, as well as to the Lietuant Governor.  I let them know the disappointment and the struggles the people of Eastern KY has with KY Power. I wouldn't be surprised to see nothing done as usual.  It seems that no one listens or cares for the people of the Appalachians, leaving them powerless, even over their own voice.

It was a struggle growing up in an environment where you have no voice, no right to an opinion while living in fear of being retaliated against for trying to stand up for yourself and others.  You grow up belieiving that your opinion doesn't matter and that you are worthless.  I can't blame these struggles on just my home life and my family.  It is part of the society in Eastern KY - the schools, the businesses, and of course the city government who pockets tons of money that should be used to help those who are trying to help themselves.

Many people of this country speak about discrimination against minorities.  Yet they have no idea about the discrimination that the people in Eastern KY have lived with for decades. 
  • Can you imagine a low class neighborhood in a major city being without power for week and nothing said or done about it?
  • Can you imagine a low class neighborhood in a major city being shut in because their streets are damaged and they have no way of getting out? How long would that last before the government done something about it?
  • Can you imagine a low class neighborhood in a major city being without water for a week with no one assisting them? How long would that last before the government and policitians helped them?
All I can say is, where is the Power when you feel you have none?

God Bless My People of Eastern KY!