Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Time to be Thankful - Day 17 Children

OK...honestly...I am writing this blog to show off these pictures of the kids so dear to my heart.  Unfortunately I don't have kids of my own yet but I pray that God will bless me one day.  I might need to be reminded of that statement once I have a teenager.  For now I am so thankful that my dear cousins have been blessed with these little ones. I don't get to see them often but thanks to Facebook I get to watch them grow up online.  When I do see them, I can't hug them enough.

Jacob and Katy, March 2012
Despite the trouble they get into, the sleepless nights, and the worry of their health, children really do change our lives.  Our world is never the same. We can't imagine what life was like before without them.  We would risk our own life for them.  We would give them the world if we could afford it.  Their tears make our hearts break.  Their laughter makes our hearts jump for joy and our fear is to never be apart from them.  They truly are God's gift to us.

When Jacob entered my cousin Alonzo and his wife Lisa's life, I cried many happy tears.  I couldn't imagine Alonzo being a dad.  But when I see him in action, I can't imagine a better dad other than my own.  Perhaps that is why he is an awesome teacher and the kids love him so much.  Or perhaps it is because my love for Alonzo couldn't be any greater than if I had a brother of my own.  Seeing the love he and Lisa have for Jacob warms my heart.  

Since I am only child and have no children of my own, I could never imagine what it would be like as an aunt or a mother.  Yet when Jacob entered our lives, everything changed for the better.  Just seeing him makes me giggle and I wish I could hug him every day! Ironically, our cousin Christianne had Katy around the same time.  I don't know why but seeing Jacob and Katy play together brings tears of joy.  It reminds me of my childhood with Alonzo.  I am grateful that they get to grow together.

Christy's Angels: Timothy and Amber, May 2012
My cousins Christy Michelle and Jennifer are two wonderful mothers.  It is strange to remember them as children and now see them as mothers.  Time really flies! I never doubted that they would turn into awesome moms though, they were the "bossy" ones as children.  LOL!  When they were little, they both took control of the situation like moms when they played with other kids.  Of course their kids are "angels"! :) I am soooo proud to say they really are great Moms!
Jennifer's Angels: Shelby and Sydney, Nov. 2012

My prayers are with these and other kids daily. I keep their parents and families in my thoughts and prayers.  My biggest wish would be to have children of my own.  Regardless of God's plans, I am Grateful that my family and I have been blessed with these children.

Recently a daughter of one of my dear friends was hit by a car while waiting at the bus stop.  Sadly, this 11 year old girl is fighting for her life.  The fear and stress this mom and dad is enduring is heartbreaking.  How strange that one small moment can forever change lives for the good and the bad.   

This is a reminder to Enjoy and Thank God for every moment you spend with the children in your Life.


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