Friday, April 6, 2012

KY Pride

The older I get the stronger my Pride seems to grow. As a teenager, I would have never imagined how proud I would be of my roots. Coming from a rural and down-to-earth area like Eastern KY, as well as growing up poor, has been a positive aspect in my life. That aspect is more than I ever dreamed it would be.

As most us of "hillbillies" seem to be, we know no stranger. We have empathy for our neighbors, family, friends, and even our rivals. We gladly and sometimes blindly help out someone in need. We can be loyal, strong, and stubborn as a mule especially when we have to get down to doing the "nitty gritty" work. We appreciate our jobs because we know a job is hard to come by. We appreciate our family for they are the heartbeat of our lives. Some of us are liable to say anything cause we are not imitators.  We appreciate a mess of soup beans, cornbread, and fried tators. Where else can you see that on a menu in a restaurant but in Eastern KY? :-)

The recent win of the UK Wildcats NCAA Championship brought even more pride to me and my fellow Kentuckians. Supporting our boys in Blue is something we do! Besides, we don't have a lot of choices and they always do us proud.
We all are on the Human Race team!
Sure...there are negative aspects about KY and its Appalachian people that the nation would gladly ponder and poke fun of. However, we must not be discouraged by the negativity.  We must not let the bad apples in our crowd ruin the rest of the batch.

Life can look pretty discouraging from the outside.  But if we have pride and hope for a future for ourselves, there isn't an obstacle we cannot overcome. People may rob us of our joy and try to steal what little hope we have. Yet it is in those times when we gotta lift up our head, dig in our heels, and keep running towards the future, regardless. Don't go down without a Fight! We can fight back for our area and its people. We can fight for positive changes for our children and their future.

As I am learning in my Social Psychology class, pride exists in every culture and social group. We each feel a sense of "togetherness" in our culture and/or group. Every race, religion, culture, gender, every diversity shares in this togetherness, a sense of "we" and acceptance. 

We may each have our differences but one thing remains certain...we are all on the Human Race Team.  All of us are born yearning for togetherness and love.  Without these things, there is little chance for survival of a peaceful life.  What's even more certain is that none of us get a waiver for death. Regardless of your race, culture, status, religion, finances, WE all get to cross that bridge between life and death.

Respect your teammates and shout for Victory!  We will not be alone we cross that bridge, our coach will be there to guide us to the final Finish Line.

May God Bless you with the Love and Acceptance of who You are.

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