Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Superhero Daddy

I came across a plaque the other day that read, “Anyone can be a Father, but it takes a special person to be a Daddy”.  I began to wonder, do most kids think their dad is a superhero?

For us daughters, our dad IS our Superhero. He seems to be able to do anything. He works hard, seems so smart, rarely gets sick, and is a charmer to everyone he meets. His smile and laughter can light up the room while making your heart jump with glee at times. 

Our dad is the first man in our life who showed us his silly side and comforted us when we were scared. He gets us moving when we don’t feel like going on. If something’s broken, he can fix it. If you need money, he always seems to have some. If you have a question, he will search out the answers. He can be a navigator when we seem lost. He can be a storyteller, a cook, and even a counselor. He might not say a word but just knowing he’s there can help us feel comforted and safe.

He may not be perfect but that’s ok. His brilliant love seems to overshadow all the mistakes he has ever made. He’s our father, more than that, he’s our Daddy.

Ted with his daughters, Nikki and Shannon.
We love and miss you dearly, Cowboy! :-(

Recently, a dear friend to my family and I, Ted O’Daniel, passed away after battling a courageous fight with throat cancer. We comforted the family the best we knew how in the days leading up to his death. Regardless of how long we have been “expecting” the end, the passing is never easy.

I tried to stay strong during the memorial service until I hugged his daughters, Shannon and Nikki. Flashes of losing my own dad flooded my heart. I know their pain all too well. Even though we all go through our own “experiences”, we cannot prepare someone or feel the same pain that they are going through. Yet we can hold their hand and let them know that they are not alone in this journey.

Ted was indeed a charmer. Always smiling, he was a regular prankster with my uncles, John and Dwayne. They were indeed his BFF’s. I can’t imagine not seeing him with them nor can IHOP. They were regular flirts during their many “coffee meetings” there. He could tell a joke without cracking a smile and I would take him literally. LOL

Many of Ted’s attributes reminded me of my own dad, strong-willed, risk taker, and a hard worker. His positive outlook on life helped him in battling cancer. His daughters meant the world to him. I envied their closeness which made me wish I had lived nearer to my dad. Yet he was nearby the evening I found out my dad was pretty sick and had comforting words to share.

Life seems odd when someone passes. No longer can we just call them up to say hello. The sound of their voice slowly fades but the memories seem to get stronger. Their absent is inevitable during the holidays.

What has comforted me is in the knowing that they are not truly “gone”. Although we can’t see them physically, we can feel their presence and their spirit when we relive their smile and laughter. What’s even more assuring is that they will always be there to guide and comfort us when we need them the most.

Daddy is no longer with my physically now. But he has gone ahead of me to be that shinning light when the time comes for me to cross over. He now has truly has become my Superhero, only with wings instead of a cape.

Ted’s motto: We can CHOOSE to have a good day or a bad day.


  1. Crystal, Crystal, Crystal - wow!! What a beautiful tribute to our superheroes! You'll never know how much I appreciate all of the support you've shown me over the years. My daddy adored you and your family more than you can know. Please know you can always count on me, just as I'll take comfort in knowing the same. The 'box' you unselfishly gave me is one of my most prized possessions, coming second to your friendship.
    I love you.

  2. thank you crystal! i love this so much, you and your family are ours and you all rock! thank you for your sweetness and comfort you come from a great clan.we are daddys girls!
