Friday, March 16, 2012

Be a Voice

How far would you go to stand up for a cause or for your values? In today’s society, we are sometimes fearful of standing up for what we believe in or what is important to us. Authority voices tell us to hush up, don’t stir up controversy or push anyone’s “buttons”. We are being shoved to just go along with what society “tells” us to do like mindless robots. Can you imagine what our world would be like if our history had just “went” along and not pushed buttons?

The United States was founded on causing a stir. This is how America came to be. Our ancestors came afar looking for a new beginning. They fought to establish a new land where they could entrust their values and beliefs. Imagine if our ancestors never took the initiative to fight. What would our world look like?

Can you imagine if no Civil Rights Movement ever happened? We would still be living in a nation where African Americans are unequal, can’t vote, or have much choice at improving their lives. How different our leadership and society would be.

Can you imagine if the women’s rights movement never happened and women never had a voice? In many countries today woman still don’t have a voice. A recent article described a young teen who committed suicide because she was forced to marry her rapist. ( We can look at this and other stories and feel outraged. However, for other countries, this may be the norm. Their culture represents an outlook and attitude entirely different from our world.

So what does it take to fuel the fire and be a voice for our beliefs? Perhaps a little courage, faith, and taking the initiative is all we need to start a movement. We can sit and plan for things for years yet nothing will get done. We can plan for the storms and joys of life but nothing will impact or move our hearts until the storm hits or the joy arrives. Standing up, taking the initiative, and moving is the key.

I recently heard about the Back to Life organization, founded by Laura Zavala Alfred. Back to Life is a young women’s movement “fashioned to awaken America’s conscience to the injustices of abortion”.

On March 17th, 2012, 39 young women will embark on a walk, please read carefully, WALK, from Houston to Dallas (300 miles) to support Pro-Life! Why this long journey you may ask? In 1972, the Dallas Courthouse was the birthplace of Roe vs. Wade case which legalized abortion.  Houston has the nation’s largest Planned Parenthood Center. These young women all have stories of how abortion has affected their lives. Some are survivors who were supposed to be aborted; others have committed abortion while there are others who just want to take stand. Regardless of their story, they all represent different cultures and different religions, but all believe in the Power of Life.  These women want to represent the Voices for the unborn. 

We all have different viewpoints and opinions, that’s the wonderful thing about America. We currently have the freedom to stand up for our beliefs and be a voice for future generations.

Don’t let your voice be robbed. Have the Courage to Speak Up!

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