Monday, August 20, 2012

Forever Friends

This summer has not been the best for me.  Not being able to exercise or run because of some health issues has put a damper on my mood and my motivation to write. I am not discounting my blessings though. Life is too short to give up.  Being grateful for every comfort and discomfort seems to be the best way to deal with the struggles.

Having friends is also important.  Some of my friends have bigger health and financial hiccups than me.  Their strength really inspires me. Having their friendship and support during this time also strongly reminds me of my closest buds from my childhood past, Alonzo and David.  God seems to place the right people at the right time in our lives.

The other morning I literally woke up in tears.  I was disappointed to be back in the real world instead of being in the sweet carefree dream where I was young again. I was immediately reminded of those happy years I had spent before turning 16.  I'm still baffled by the dream of David Noble, whom I haven't thought about in ages!  Since then I have been searching for some closure regarding him.  Just as I did with my dad, the best way I know how is by sharing some of our happy memories. 

Alonzo, David, and I hanging at my house
for our family picnic. My little cousins, Dawn,
Gobel, and Jimmy.

I never was a social butterfly growing up.  Having no siblings and being a loner made it easy to escape in my own little world. Making friends at school was difficult. There were few people outside my family that I trusted.  I was so blessed to have the closeness of my cousin Alonzo, who seemed to understand my struggles the most.

I was in 6th grade at Caney when I first met David.  I was startled when this friendly little kid with big brown eyes and brownish blonde hair started talking to me. He seemed rather small for his age. He didn't ignore me or act like I had the plague like everyone else had done. He simply said hello and asked my name as we walked downstairs. I found this odd. How could he not know that I was the germ of the school?

When I had to advance to the intermediate school, SMS, I was happy to leave the 6th grade struggles of Caney behind but I also had to leave the security of having Alonzo around. I managed to make a few friends but nothing would compare to the years to come. I was so relieved when Alonzo attended SMS the following year. By then, he and David had become friends.

When Alonzo and David arrived at SMS, things quickly changed for me. I no longer sat alone on the bus rides home.  Besides, both of them enjoyed annoying me until I talked. I remained quiet at first because I did not like sharing the attention. Eventually David grew on me. 

David in 7th Grade
Our bus rides soon became a blast. I couldn't wait to be on the bus! For the first time in my life, a boy was being my friend, supporting me, and not making fun of me.  Ok, well, I was the butt of many of his and Alonzo's jokes and pranks, but I always returned the favor.  We all three had had our share of difficulties and disappointments. It felt great to have someone you could trust, someone to make you laugh, smile, and who actually listened to you.  Odd as it seemed, I finally felt like I belonged in a group with Alonzo and David. They became my best friends.  Our talks and laughter seemed to never end.
Paddle Boats at Natural Bridge.
Goofball David wet his hair in the swampy water!

David was a regular at Pastor Eldon Miller's church, the Buckhorn Mennonite Church. We met up there many times for a chance to hang out more.  Our giggles and whispering in church probably didn't go unnoticed by others. Pastor Eldon had made a big impact on David's life.  There wasn’t anyone David wouldn’t help if he could. He rarely said no to anyone. He wanted to be friends with everyone. He was sweet, nice, and handsome which also made him popular with the girls. I felt honored to be one his closest friends.

Those years with David gave Alonzo and me a positive escape away from the holler. It was nice being able to finally hang out like normal teenagers, to make good memories, and to be away from our parents!!  I have so many wonderful memories of those years....too many to share on a blog! I'm grateful God blessed me with friends who understood and accepted me just for me just as I accepted them for just who they were.

There were so many things I left unsaid to David. My immaturity and awkwardness kept me from sharing them with him.  I saw him one last time before I moved to Houston.  He looked so happy.  We had a chance to giggle and whisper in church one last time.  One of the important things I wish I could have said would have been "Thank You".  Thank you for being my hero and support during those years. Thank you for listening when it felt like no one else did.  Thank you for bringing me laughter when I wanted to cry.  Most of all, thanks for the memories and for being my best friend.  Regardless of the struggles, differences, and separation, I am forever grateful to both David and Alonzo. I really miss those years but I will forever love you both and be your BFF forever and always.

Good Friends are Never Forgotten.

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